According to Nils Anderson, Gerlos is an absolute summer fishing highlight for fly fishermen. The editor-in-chief of the leading Swiss fishing magazine “Petri-Heil” traveled to the beautiful Gerlos in the Zillertal last summer and personally collected fishing experiences. He also tested the ABENTEUER FISCHWASSER member hotel Wohlfühlhotel Platzer****s, where fishing is a top priority. From competent advice at reception, barrier openers for all side valleys, up-to-date area maps to experienced guides, everything is on offer here.
In issue 04/2024 of the Swiss trade magazine Petri Heil, editor-in-chief Nils Anderson publishes a detailed report on his fish-filled stay at our ABENTEUER FISCHWASSER member company. The four-page article is dedicated to the impressive fishing opportunities and natural beauty of this region, which has a lot to offer fishermen and non-fishermen alike.

Tirol is known as the alpine holiday paradise in western Austria and also promises a lot of excitement and adventure for fishermen. Fishing in Tyrol’s waters means experiencing bubbling wild rivers and idyllic lakes. When you look at the smooth surface of the water, in which the imposing mountains are reflected, the feeling of relaxation is not long in coming.
Varied fishing waters on the doorstep

Together with fishing guide Kurt Plössner, who is called Kurtl by everyone, the “Petri-Heil” editor-in-chief goes to hidden side valley waters such as the Krummbach, the Wimmerbach and the Schwarzachbach and learns a lot of insider news from him that only local fishermen can pass on. After a few small fish in the side waters, they come to the main water, which is right outside the hotel door. The Gerlos is a large, clear stream with many and sometimes very large fish in it. After a successful day of fishing, culinary Tyrolean specialties await you at the Abenteuer Fischwasser member business. A 5-course menu with exclusive wine accompaniment invites you to enjoy culinary delights and linger.
The specialized fishing hotel Wohlfühlhotel Platzer****s not only offers excellent fishing opportunities, but also all the amenities of a 4*s star hotel, which make a fishing vacation eventful, but also relaxing.

The impressive fishing vacation ends for Nils Anderson in the cozy hotel lobby, where he reviews the two days together with the fishing guide Kurt and receives a valuable tip: “Two days is too short. That’s not enough to get into the right rhythm. And there is so much more to see and discover. Each of the streams and also each section of the Gerlos is different and requires its own adjustments and a specific approach. And last but not least, you should also be able to relax. So take at least five days for your next visit.”
The current Petri Heil issue can be ordered here.